Breaking blogging news!!!!
Allright, maybe this wouldn't make it to the front page of a newspaper, but I do find it interesting and worth checking how it works and what is it all about... What I refer to is the Blogmarathon that will be held on April 1st (I think, check on the site anyway, just to make sure)...
If I had the time, I would think about making an effort and giving it a try... But even if I, you, we cannot participate I still think it will be something cool to take a look at... My best to the organizers.
Blog for 26.2 hours? Wow, I don't know if my brain has the capability to do this one, but it will be interesting to see how it goes.
I find it fitting that the date was moved to April 1st -- April Fools Day, lol
Update your blog every half hour??? Oh The Peanut King would have a royal fit over this one!
Hm....maybe I should do it...;)
If you set your mind to it, I'm sure you can take the challenge... quick commentators like you is what this marathon needs... Think about it.
Still a bit miffed with your Peanut King? He, he...
Well... who knows... the Peanut King wasn't at its finest this week, so maybe you should give this a try... ;)
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