
Truly a lot better than your worst thoughts.

Sunday, March 13, 2005

Nice to see ya' all, again...

We all pretty much know the wreck of a week this last one has been with all the posting and access problems, so let me tell you all how much I enjoy the fact of being able to read and comment on your blogs once again and do no feel so irritated due to that sensation of absolute BLOGLESSNESS...
It is just amazing how much I started missing reading and posting comments on your sites, when I realize I have not been hanging on this thing for longer than a month.... Either this is highly addictive or you write quite a lot of interesting stuff... I think both things are right, but I feel so happy at this "momento" that I will grant you all the credit for writing so many interesting pieces of personal experiences....
I haven't got much time to write now, but I promise I'll try to do my best effort as the week evolves... I'll also try to upload a few more personal drawings (like the ones I have posted) and one or two pcitures...

What I said before, nice to share life with all of you again...


Blogger Stacy The Peanut Queen said...

Yes, I know what you mean...I never thought I'd miss commenting so's like losing your voice and wanting to speak but not being able to.

And I look forward to seeing your drawings. I can draw stick people with lollipop heads but that's about it....:)

3:27 PM  
Blogger An Extraordinary woman in a mediocre life said...

I agree with the Queen.. i found myself growling quite a lot when i was unable to respond to the blogs i found were great and funny enough to comment on.

Nice blog by the way :)

3:54 PM  
Blogger Mr G said...

I'm deeply honored by your visit after these long days of unexpected and senseless blog wandering...

1:43 AM  
Blogger Anu said...

Mrgonsings..nice to have u back!! I was actually wondering where you disappeared..Coincidentally, I didn't hear anything from you, after you mentioned on one of my posts that "you would be around!". I am looking forward to ur sketches/drawings..:)

1:00 PM  

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