por aquí, por allá
truly I am not sure I am here at this very moment
Truly a lot better than your worst thoughts.
Dear Reina,
A mild, himid and rainy day, and here I sit on my coach with nothing ahead but the promise of listening to the light beat of drops falling on the outside and, even more enjoyable, to the dozen of discs collection of brazilian music (all the possible styles you can imagine), which I have borrowed from a brazilian friend I'm sure I'm going to like even more of what I already like by the end of the day. Believe me, a lighting might strike me today and I'd die happy.
All best wishes x this brand new year!!! (and if you are reading this, a million thanks x still visiting this site)
Yes, sir! That blurry thing all the way uphill is The Acropolis...
Had everything gone right, I should have been leaving for India in about a week, a day more or less... But destiny's been a bit shitty with Mrs. G's health (nothing serious, guys, but she's gotta take it easy for some time), so she's been recommended to avoid long hours of flying (bye, bye Delhi!), watch out strictly what she eats –her liver on strike it seems- (bye, bye delicious and spicy Indian food) and to avoid unnecessary stress, like long rides in crowded trains and things like that (and who, in his sound mind, would want to go India and miss the excitement of what must be one of the most colourful train systems in the world)… AAAAAAAARRRRRGGGGGGHHHHH!!!!