Todo el mundo busca el gol...
As you might all know already, today it's the first day of the World Cup. Why do I write about this?? That's simple. I lack time for anything that involves meditating about a post, I've posted close to nothing in the last months and, last but not least, if I start thinking about what should I post about, probably I'm gonna run out of time and I'll have my millions of readers crying again, when they reach here and see a new page in blank... ;)
OK, as I was saying, today it's the first day of the World Cup and, even if I'm not what you might call a crazy football/soccer fan, I do enjoy watching the World Cup... And I join the feeling of those millions of human beings all over the world that believe that World Cup days should be a three-week international holiday, in which no one should be allowed to do anything but drink, eat chips and sit in front of a TV, rooting for their favorite team...
"C'mon!!! Are you in your right mind???" - some of you might say. No!, nope fellows, I am not!... Sorry, Yes, I am. That's what I meant. ??? These are the words of a wise man you are reading... Ok, maybe not a wise man, but not a dumbass either... Ok, I'll settle for a dumbass too, as long as you are not planning on spitting on me or throwing juicy coloured fruits, while mocking at me (still, if you feel like pursuing this latter, I'd appreciate it if you chose soft fruits and not hardshell things like coconuts or spiky fruits like lychies...)...
As I was saying... What was I saying???? Ok, I think I remembered... The World Cup... Yes, the World Cup... This competition, believe it or not, it's not rubbish or anything like... I truly believe it is probably the only worldwide sport competition that - unless you reside in the US or Canada - really keeps the world holding his breath... I've been lucky enough to contemplate development of this competition in different countries and people, well, at least guys, really live in another planet while the World Cup games are being held... This said, I do think it is definitely too the best moment in which a woman can ask anything to her mate, boyfriend, husband, etc, etc... Anything you ask, girls, you'll get it, if you ask for it while your man is watching a football/soccer match - and I mean any match, because one good thing about the World Cup - that not even the Olympics, and much less any other international sport event - have, it's that boys like watching every single game, not matter what the quality of the team or their sport history... Somehow, it's really weird... One way or another, we know that the World Cup is most probably gonna be won by one by either teams like Brazil, Germany, Italy or Argentina, but even if you have the chance to see a game like, let's say US v/s Canada, boys are still gonna see it and, not matter how improbable, even enjoy it... So girls, this is your chance... Ask your boys for a new dress and they will say "yeah, yeah, now move and let me see the game"... Ask your boys for the keys of his new car and you´ll hear the "yeah, yeah" again... Ask your boy for marriage, if you've meaning to, but he doesn't seem to catch your thoughts, and I'm sure that he´ll say "yeah, yeah"... It is a proven, scientific fact, that guys have no brains while the World Cup is being held, so go for it.
This thing last only four weeks, so you better hurry.