
Truly a lot better than your worst thoughts.

Saturday, April 09, 2005

LecciĂłn NĂşmero Uno...

1.- Siéntese delante del ordenador y proceda a desvestirse.

ha, ha, ha....
Don't freak out.
Just pulling your leg... In case you read blog headings only...
I haven't decided to move to spanish yet...

Those curious enough can check the meaning of instruction NĂşmero Uno with a Free Translator...

Hope you are ready for instruction NĂşmero Dos tomorrow... ;)


Blogger An Extraordinary woman in a mediocre life said...

heh u lil trickster you!
i did actually understand the title

9:48 AM  
Blogger An Extraordinary woman in a mediocre life said...

oops.. forgot the kisses!


9:48 AM  
Blogger dbdoberman said...

Hola. Usted realmente no quiere ver queme me desnudé. Querría ver las mujeres desnudas

5:39 PM  
Blogger Mr G said...

extraordinary woman...
I see you've got your spanish basics covered too... what about the lesson suggested though??? ;)

Thanks for remembering "'bout them" kisses!!!!
xxxx 4U2

From your words, I deduce you've got "Key Knowledge" when it comes to spanish... However, I'm all for pro equal-treatment of men and women...
The story being that way, "todo el mundo sin ropa"... He, he, he... ;)

3:35 AM  
Blogger dbdoberman said...

pero soy tĂ­mido ;)

Oh yes, MrG., I have vast knowledge of spanish, vast translator knowledge, haha

4:39 AM  
Blogger Mr G said...

Nothing like "estar desnudo" to overcome shyness... Try it and tell me, he, he, he...

5:45 AM  
Blogger thtgrl said...

I took 4 years of spanish and the only thing that rolls of my tongue without thought is "Hola. Como esta usted?" That said, Hey. How ya' doin? Thanks for stopping by. :)

7:44 AM  
Blogger -lynn.wong- said...

hey you...

my friend andrewkin@blogspot is also learning spanish. i think he's been taking classes. he's been annoying the hell outta me with his spanish. lol. but it's fun. good luck with yours!


9:36 AM  
Blogger dbdoberman said...

Yo me siento una brisa, MrG

4:35 PM  
Blogger Mr G said...

That Girl...
Gracias por la visita!!! - I guess those 4 years of spanish will allow you, at least, to understand this... ;)

If annoyed too much, you can kindly suggest your friend the following: "Cierra la boca, POR FAVOR"... That is "Shut your mouth, PlEASE"..;)

Right now I'm not sure whether you "feel like a breeze" (after that good day yesterday)or you "feel the breeze", providing you have decided to overcome shyness and finally tried out lesson Numero Uno. If the latter, I hope it's not cold there, buddy..

7:20 PM  

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