
Truly a lot better than your worst thoughts.

Friday, April 22, 2005

Could I see your ID, pleeeeease!!

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We blog, therefore we are!...
But what the hell do we look like???.
Blogging around, seems like quite a lot of people are going into images and pictures sharing.
It’s interesting. It’s nice. And, of course, it’s comprehensible.

Here we are a bunch of people sharing life on a daily basis, but whose faces, on most cases, we can only imagine, I suppose many times influenced by the pictures on our profile. Something, by the way, which only goes to show how weird and erroneous our perceptions must be. Considering that those pics frames are rarely a portrait… And that most of us have this tendency to fill them out with crazy stuff.

In my case, identity is a curious issue. I can recognize to all of you that I still haven’t got the guts to post my pic. But that’s not all there is to it. It is also due to the fact that I can hardly keep the same look for over six months. And nope, I’m not a fugitive and much less a famous star…

Reason for look changes is plain self image boredom. Which, anyway, doesn’t mean that the changes have got to be radical (no crazy haircuts, dyied hair or staff like that). Just basic stuff: mustache on, mustache off; beard on, beard off; hair long, hair trimmed to zero; tailed hair, loose hair; colourfoul clothes; dark clothes… Simply things which added to a curious capacity to loose or put on weight (a lot less or a lot more!) can give you numerous combinations…

To give you an idea, I can tell you that at different points of my life I’ve been told I look like all the guys depicted above. The “Chewy” years were mainly back in school days (I was big and heavy for my age at that time), but the rest of them, and other looks too, have been pretty much coming and going at different stages of my life.

Of all of them, maybe the Lennon look is the one I feel more attached to (though it’s not the one I’ve got now). The funny thing about this resemblance is that my girlfriend has also got a Yoko likeness, so whenever I’ve decided to grow my hair long (and stay thin) it is not unusual that even unknown people address us like the famous couple. We are talking here about different cities and different countries. And the most memorable moment being, of course, at Central Park, New York… A day in which I almost dropped a tear out of the emotion, being the Beatles nut I am.

On the negative side, I can tell you that whenever I have the Lennon look people also seem to think I’m some sort of drug-dealing hippie or something like that. I have nothing against the personal decision of using soft drugs, but it does get a bit annoying when I cannot have long hair and walk into the party scene without someone approaching me and asking if I’ve got “stuff to sell”. It’s happened to me zillions of times. Bars, parks, private parties, public parties, walking on the street, travelling by bus, music concerts (of course) … You name it. Even once in the middle of a huge lake, where I was rowing Tom Sayer style with a couple of friends, when another boat suddenly appeared from nowhere and the guys on it came straight to me asking me if I “had some stuff”. My friends, knowing my previous experiences of this kind just laughed their asses off. As for me, I can’t still figure out how these guys got there and why.

In relation to Uncle Fester above, occasionally I have also been told to bear a resemblance to Cousin It and little Pugsley Adams. I guess this makes the Adams family home a place where I would probably fit in very well. Funny, isn’t?

Last but not least - so that you really believe how serious this identity issue can sometimes be-, I’ll let you know that I was once retained in an international airport because of the way I looked. The guy at the customs check point just didn’t want to believe I was the guy on my passport picture. To some extent, he was right. Due to the fact that I haven’t got a single ID card (of any kind) in which I look exactly the same and I don’t usually look very much like the one I should need at any given moment. Luckily on this occasion, they understood my situation. I ended up showing his supervisor all the documents I had at hand, at that moment, with my name and different pictures of me, and they finally let me through.

A few months ago I published this quick Paint made self portrait below on my blog…
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Right now, just add a mustache and chin beard, trim the hair a bit… and there you’ve got me…
In a few months… Who knows?


Blogger elle said...

The next time someone asks you if you have any "stuff," tell them the only thing you carry with you is your law enforcement badge. It should be interesting to watch the blood drain from their face.

I've posted a pic of myself. Did you find it?? You have a dig a little, it's a few posts back, and it's a link.

6:39 AM  
Blogger Mr G said...

he, he... Good suggestion. I'd never thought about it. I might even carry a fake badge to make a more realistic impression...
Had no idea you had posted a pic. I'll go check your old posts asap.

7:18 AM  
Blogger portuguesa nova said...

1. Those are five very diverse looking guys.

2. I am insanely jealous that you live in Barcelona. Er, sorry, Bar-they-lona. We must move to the Iberican world soon.

7:39 AM  
Blogger dbdoberman said...

it's whats inside that counts, unless were talking about ladies, lol

I know what you mean about changing your look every so often, and as I recycle mine, I go back to long hair now and then. You are so right on how long hair is perceived, and I don't do drugs either. I like Elle's suggestion.

8:12 AM  
Blogger An Extraordinary woman in a mediocre life said...

I like to change the way i look too - i get bored far too
btw i keep meaning to mention I love the new look of your blog ;)

1:32 PM  
Blogger Katya Coldheart said...

i want to post my picture, but then i would like to remain mainly anonymous...i'm not as hot as the peanut queen and don't take a good photo, and my hair needs cutting so bad i feel like cousin


4:10 PM  
Blogger Stacy The Peanut Queen said...

Katya have you had your eyes checked recently? ;) The only time I was ever "hot" was the time I tried to light a cigarette off of the burner on our gas stove and I set my hair on fire! (True story too!!) :)

I tried to grow a beard once but it came in all scraggly so I waxed the whole damn thing off...;)

I look pretty much the same as I have for the past ten years or so (except for those dastardly extra five pounds I've added to my thighs and hips). It's been so long since I've seen my original hair color, I've forgotten what it is. And I intend to keep it that way.

I think changing your appearance is pretty cool. Always mixing it up a little....a man of mystery! :)

5:17 PM  
Blogger Amrita said...

Hi Gonsings,
haha! fun post about your identity crisis. but do not worry, everyone has a right to privacy...i guess you can definitely tell people that you have a right to groom yourdelf the wayyou want ot. I am sure your country allows u that right - tell them no intereferance in your personal liberty.

6:06 PM  
Blogger Amrita said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

6:06 PM  
Blogger Little Star said...

Post a picture... Don't post a picture... It doesn't really matter, just keep blogging...

I love that you live on the other side of the world and I don't know who you are...

I found your blog a while ago, and i like to check in on you from time to time, and see what you're up to...

If you want to post pictures, you can always post some cool pics of your country for all your international fans...


6:23 PM  
Blogger Mr G said...

Portuguesa Nova...
If you are jealous about the fact I live in Barcelona, I can tell Chicago is one place of The States I've always wanted to see -so I guess we are even-.
What about that "we must move to the iberican world soon". Is it a must "coming true" or a must "I wish it came true"?? If the first, then we'll soon be country neighbors.

If some ladies you know read your words, I wouldn't be surprised if you ended up with a high heel shoe thrown at your face (he, he, he...)
About the drug thing, I do enjoy a joint from time to time, but I just hate when people think I'm some sort of junkie-hippie just because I let my hair grow long.

Extraordinary Woman...
I would have bet you'd be one lady who loves to experiment with her looks... And I'm sure you must be pretty good at it too!.. ;)

I see we've got very similar doubts this pic issue. One day I think YES. One day I think NO... About your hair, you shouldn't worry that much... Lots of guys will prefer girls with crazy natural growing in its own independent way (as a matter of fact I think girls are the only ones who seriously worry about hair-styling and that kind of things)...

I hope you now use lighters to light your cigarettes. It's a lot safer, you know (he, he, he)...

Thing with my look is more like a personal game than an identity crisis. I've always felt good with these changes and I don't really care much about what people will think about them.

Little Star...
Hello... And thanks for deciding to stop by and drop a line.. :)
I agree with you that sometimes not knowing the face of the people whose blogs you visit makes this whole thing more suggestive... About pictures of the country I live in (not the one I was born in, though), I'm sure I'll end up posting something.

2:32 AM  
Blogger Happy and Blue 2 said...

I have no preference on bloggers posting pictures of themselves or not. It's kind of nice to see what they look like but it's equally nice to judge people based on what they say as opposed to how they look..

6:20 AM  
Blogger Mr G said...

What you say it's true as a rock.

7:30 AM  
Blogger Anu said...

haha..:) MrGonsings, you sure seem to be experimenting a lot with yourself to keep the enthusiasm in life going! :) Well, for that matter, most of us do change (including our tastes)..It is just the time period of change that varies..My change period,for instance, isn't as rapid as six months or so..and again, the extent of change, like you said, could be subtle or drastic!! That is why the world is full of different people!! :)

Nice and different topic to write on..:)

7:44 AM  
Blogger Mr G said...

What a pleasure to see you here again,

8:35 AM  
Blogger portuguesa nova said...

Moving to the Iberican world is a "will probably happen sooner than we think" situation...we've decided to move if my husband doesn't find a job here by July 1st. I'm quite excited and scared all at the same time. Moving to Lisbon is probably not the best solution to curing unemployment, but change is good, I think.

7:25 AM  
Blogger Mr G said...

Portuguesa nova...
Nothing to fear but fear itself... I know moving to a different country can be scary, but it is also undoubtlessly a grand experience and I'm sure you'd enjoy it. I'm all for change. Hope that soon we'll be sharing the peninsula.

1:28 AM  

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