More blue thoughts...
Task forces at work...
I appreciate your efforts and suggestions in answering my last post doubts...
However, I've come to realize that if an international emergency were declared at any moment, let's say 'cause a bunch of wicked aliens has landed on our planet and unexpectedly poisoned all of our food, with the single exception of the blue food, which being so scarce they didn't even bother to look at, well... as I was saying, if en emergency were declared on these premises, probably there wouldn't be enough blue food to feed us all and people, as people usually do on these situations, would just start running in a state of complete havoc, desperately trying to get their hands on some damn blueberries to survive until better times once again enlighten our destinies...
This being the dark forecast, I've send my task forces to start bluberries recollection in anticipation of future catastrophes...
Needless to say, I'll share some of them with you, dear fellow bloggers, in case the need shall arise...
However I would urge to keep this prediction in utmost secrete... This being the only warranty for the safety of this incredible plan and, of course, of our future survival...
You are truly a life saver!! Let me know when the aliens arrive. Hey maybe they are already here? Maybe the even have a BLOG!! I wonder if I blogrolled them????
Thanks for the head up, Mrgonsings...I too will start collecting the life-sustaining blue wonders...;)
I'm suddenly thinking of the chick that turned into a blueberry in charlie & the chocolate factory...
I vastly appreciate the gesture.
Did you blue up those blueberries with photoshop or something. They look much bluer than the original purpley color..
Aliens blogging?? Well, considering the weird stuff we sometimes read, it is not a possibility to be discarded (he, he...)
I'll start checking all green blogs first (official alien colour, as everyone knows)... If by any chance those evil outsiders have selected, let's say, PINK for their blog templates, we could say we are facing a rather desperate situation...
I'll start checking shipping rates for those bluberries, just in case.
Great!... This plan is rocking & rolling now...
However, I wonder if it'd be better to store blueberries in their natural state or whether it'd be better to bake them into muffins???... ;)
That Girl...
What's the story of charlie & the chocolate factory???
I swear to you I have not manipulated the colour of this pic... who knows, maybe there are just different kinds of blueberries... Anyway, the only ones that will save us from utter disgrace are probably the blue(ish)ones.
I am so glad we have you to keep us alive...
actually, it's funny, because i once found a note that said "bluerries are good, but hard to find." Perhaps from the future?
That note does nothing but confirm my fears! (he, he, he)...
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