A CRR Update...
A week after being introduced in the country, the new smoking regulation has begun to affect Spanish society.
Forced now by law to decide whether their places would remain smoking or non-smoking, small bar owners have reached a decisive conclusion:
Almost 90% percent of them will allow smoking in their properties.
Reports say this is leading to some very peculiar situations:
(reconstructed conversation)
Non-smoker: Err, excuse me, would you mind moving your cigarette?
Smoker: What???
Non-smoker: I was just wondering if you could…
Smoker: This bar allows smoking, my friend!!
Non-smoker: Err… yes… I know, but I was just…
Smoker: It says so, right there on the sign!!
Non-smoker: Yes, I see, but…
Smoker: You want me to go against the law???
Non-smoker: No… That’s not what I meant… I…
Smoker: You were the guys who wanted a new smoking law, right?
Non-smoker: Yes… Hell, no! You are…
Smoker: If you want some fresh air, go grab some!
Non-smoker: err…
Smoker: You want me to call the cops…
Small groups of non-smokers have also been witnessed to step out of bars to catch a breeze of smokeless air.
Other fonts even speak of long time non-smoking people going back to smoke… To keep up their social life.
From Barcelona,
A Penguin with a Bow Tie, for CRR news.
(CRR is a registered trademark of The Chronicles of the Radical Reality; this text does not necessarily represents the editor’s point of view)
In Canadas wehave to go outside to smoke in all puplic places or we get 150 dollar fine.
I guess its just a product of the times. More people are quiting smoking and lets face it . its not good for us. I to smoke.
Here in Florida, there's hardly anywhere inside a building you can smoke anymore....even some bars you can't.
I guess it really doesn't bother me...I REALLY DO plan to quit smoking this year...one of those damn New Years resolutions, you know. :)
I think it's good they gave businesses a choice. Like Walker said there is none in Canada..
saludos desde Chle
Las leyes nunca solucionan los problemas, parece que el mal chileno se propaga desde Europa. :O
La gente se acostumbra a fumar afuera o en sus casas y ya. Hablando sobre este tama un amigo estaba preocupado porque los derechos de los fumadores estaban siendo afectados. Pero y ?mi derecho de no fumadora de no querer aspirar ese humo? Por mucho tiempo los no fumadores nos hemos quedado en casa porque no hay opciones de bares o sitios sin cigarrillos, a mi me parece justo hayan lugares libres del humo de cigarillo que me hace llorar.
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