
Truly a lot better than your worst thoughts.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Winter Tales...

As cold weather approaches, I’m at risk of becoming a hostage in my own house!!!
Mrs. G and Mr. Gato don’t want me to leave home.
They say is cold!
And they want me to stay in bed!

This started a week ago or so, somehow like this:

Mrs. G: “Brrrr… It’s cold”.
Mr. Gato: “Brrrr…meowwww!!!”.
Mr. G: “Of course is cold… Winter is coming… That’s no news”.

Now, Mrs. G is a Scorpio and Mr. Gato is a cat, so, of course, they don’t like “clever” answers like they one I gave.
They like things their way.

So, what happened:
Next time I went to bed after that brief word exchange, I woke up with Mrs. G cuddled on one side of my body and Mr. Gato on the other one.
Both with their heads on my chest.
And my two arms trapped under their heads.

I tried to get up and they said:
Mrs. G: “Don’t move!!! Brrr.. It’s cold!!!”
Mr. Gato: “Meow!!! Brrr… Meowwww!!

Apparently, I seem to be the only being with internal heating system at our little flat.
And now… They don’t want me to leave home!

(BTW: Gato is spanish for Cat)


Blogger Manoj said...

Mmmmmmmm Cold! Mmmmmmmm going out.

(Gato has a fur coat doesn't he?)


7:13 PM  
Blogger Happy and Blue 2 said...

Cute story. I hope you get out eventually..

1:38 AM  
Blogger An Extraordinary woman in a mediocre life said...

hehe.. you men.. and your in-built "radiator gene"


10:55 AM  
Blogger Stacy The Peanut Queen said...

The PK is ALWAYS the warm one too! He HATES it when I put my cold hands and feet up against him! :)

Extra O said's that built in "radiator" gene!

No fair! ;)

4:19 PM  
Blogger TTTTT said...

Your cat is really cute. I love cats and I hate dogs. Do u know a song of The cure, Lovecats? Is nice too. Try to listen it.
(?cómo anduve con el english? ah?, ?de lujo, no? jaja)

12:56 AM  
Blogger PBS said...

We had a cat named Gatito, "little cat". Maybe if you turn the heat way up you can make your escape!

6:35 AM  
Blogger bostezo said...

Umm! Que bueno tener no solo una sino dos razones para quedarse en cama en una fría ma?ana de principio de invierno. Sin embargo no te envidio, porque a estas alturas del a?o también tengo quien me consienta en las ma?anas y las tardes y a cualquier hora del día, básicamente.

8:12 PM  
Blogger elle said...

Very sweet. Any room for a blogging buddy in that cozy nest?
Brrrrr it's cold in the mountains!!

3:20 AM  

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