
Truly a lot better than your worst thoughts.

Tuesday, September 06, 2005


Would he have said NO to Cuban Help?

Well, he'll never have to worry about that dillema anyway!
(Cuban offer to send 800 doctors with first- aid kits, one hour flying distance away, 3 days ago, is still pendant of an answer)

Did they have to wait 5 days for their Government to ACCEPT international help from the European Community and the UN? - (not "enemies", as far as I know).

Looks like there are mostly kids on this pic, so what would they know!

Anyway, on TUESDAY, Mr President flew over the place and checked things out... "The... recovery... will take... years" - he had said (very slowly) the day before.

("So no need to hurry" - he must have thought)


Blogger Mr G said...

howdy dotty!
Thanks for the visit.

People in (desperate) need of help are people in need of help!
Castro is Castro!
I guess most of us can tell the difference.
End of the story (in my modest opinion).

3:06 AM  
Blogger PBS said...

Help is help, I don't know why they're being so fussy. The people who need help wouldn't be fussy!

4:14 AM  
Blogger Happy and Blue 2 said...

Nicely done..

5:40 AM  
Blogger elle said...

This whole thing is so sad and pathetic on every possible level. The truth is people in trouble need help. It doesn't matter where it comes from, it just needs to get there.

So sad...

3:50 PM  
Blogger TTTTT said...

El gobierno cubano merece el respeto de todos, porque es un gobierno, aunque no lo parezca. Cada vez que Bush o mejor dicho, los gringos meten sus narices, más infracción de derechos fundamentales existe. Es extra?o pero siempre hay excusas para intervenir supuestamente por la libertad que la democracia ofrece. Pero debemos recordar que la democracia es un proceso político natural, que la voluntad estatal debe manifestar por sí misma sin la supuesta ayuda de nadie. En este régimen de gobierno existen muchos matices que son justificados por el propio interes general, instarlos o motivarlos sería lo peor que podría suceder. Existen actualmente muchos ejemplos fallidos de la cuestionada intervención humanitaria que los países primer mundistas realizan.
?Cuán objetiva es la información que recibimos?.

7:40 PM  
Blogger Alioshak said...

Para variar, el se?or Bush y su estupidez congénita, digna de analizar al más sesudo de los científicos...
ESo de no quere aceptar ayuda...

En fin

(gracias por tu post)

8:27 PM  
Blogger Walker said...

Well I think with all that has happened they are getting paranoid. I don't blame them on some level but not everyone is a terrorist and definitly not their friends.
Have a nice weekend

4:25 AM  
Blogger portuguesa nova said...

Seriously, is there ANYONE (besides a small group of Americans) who like George Bush?

9:54 PM  

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