
Truly a lot better than your worst thoughts.

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Yuhuu!! anyone there???

This is where I'll be working the days ships arrive...
Aquí estaré trabajando los días que lleguen barcos...

And here (that round looking building right in the middle) is where I've been laying my cute working ass, these pre-season days...
Y aquí (ese edificio redondeado justo en el medio) es dónde he estado reposando my simpático y trabajador trasero, estos días de pre-temporada...

More or less, this is one of the city views you'd see from my office.
Más o menos, esta es una de las vistas de la ciudad que verían desde mi oficina.

My first week at my new job is over. It's been lots of work. Along with another colleague, we need to set up and conduct interviews for almost 100 people, within two weeks. Aside, we also have to prepare a new training course that we'll conduct on the first week of May. Schedule will be tight. But the environment at the office is great and I'm really enjoying the process. Do not worry if you don't see me around much these days. You know where I'll be and what I'll be doing... :)

Mi primera semana de trabajo nuevo llegó a su fin. Ha sido un montón de trabajo. Junto a otro colega, necesitamos organizar y realizar entrevistas para casi 100 personas, en un plazo de dos semanas. Aparte, también tenemos que preparar un nuevo curso de formación que llevaremos a cabo la primera semana de Mayo. El calendario se nos harán un poco justo. Pero el ambiente en la oficina es muy bueno y, realmente, estoy disfrutando el proceso. No se preocupen si no me ven mucho por aquí estos días. Ya saben dónde estaré y que estaré haciendo.


Blogger elle said...

Congrats on the new digs. Very cool. I'm glad you like your new job. I hope it continues to go well!!!!

10:44 PM  
Blogger Dotm said...

WOW, what a view. You can see all the way to the Mountains.
Fron your post, it sounds like you are really going to enjoy your new job.
Nice pictures.

1:05 AM  
Blogger Stacy The Peanut Queen said...

Thanks for the pictures...the view is GORGEOUS!

Glad you like your new job...sounds like you're going to be VERY busy! :)

4:26 PM  
Blogger Walker said...

Fantastic view and if somegives you a hard time you can just open a window for them LOL
Don't forget to get some rest :D

3:44 AM  
Blogger thtgrl said...

you always make me so jealous!!

5:53 AM  
Blogger PBS said...

Beautiful, scenic views! Lucky guy.

4:22 PM  
Blogger Amrita said...

hey gonsings! congrats for the new job and wish u all the the way, the pics are really breathtaking.

6:36 PM  
Blogger Manoj said...

Woah. Cool office.

6:59 PM  
Blogger Bijesh said...

awesome place of work :)

6:10 PM  
Blogger Félix Escobedo said...

Qué bueno saber que están necesitando gente. Ya sé a quién pedirle pega cuando me vaya para allá.. jaja. (nada concreto, de momento es sólo una idea).

1:59 AM  
Blogger bostezo said...

Hola amigo, ?mucho trabajo?
Que bueno que tengas la vista genial para reconfortarte.

10:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Mrgonsings

Pardon my being away for so long..did we hear that before..?
About your ‘new’ HQ, can’t help but compliment the place..looks majestic! N that’s quite a view! From the looks of it you deserve every bit of it! Great going! :)

You guys seem to be managing more than your share if it’s just 2 of you holding such a horde of interviews! If I may ask, what’re the training sessions on..?

N pardon me, but I see no posts on the latest developments in Nepal..considering I’d ‘encountered’ one a long while ago..or say Iran..not following up with ‘the state of the world’ any more?

Read the post on the Spain bombings..have heard of a lot of mindless killing..have been tryin to un’std the heartbreaks they cause..n what can really be devastating iz when u realize that the authority that’s meant to acknowledge the tragic event n offer atleast moral support to its on a malafide mission of heartless manipulation of information to gain its own selfish ends. Happens a lot down here..when there’s a train crash say n folks across the country are frantically callin around to know if their folks are on the ‘list.’…u turn to the officials n what do u find..half the names are’nt there..They’re busy tryin to show a lower death toll to save their jobs! I’d say it’s easier to know the worst than to not know at all..n the govt just keeps a lot of people hanging with no info abt their family for the rest of their lives! Your last line just about sums up the feelin…n sayz it all!

Have fun at work for now..! N keep bloggin.

10:25 PM  
Blogger Sumit said...

Awesome pics!!!

10:05 PM  

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